Evil Heroes: The Dark Calling

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view post Posted on 26/1/2009, 15:50

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Cas' De Mammete'



Evil Heroes: The Dark Calling

Jaden’s new Evil Heroes first appeared in Gladiator’s Assault boosters, but you’ll find even more of them in the new Duelist Pack—Jaden Yuki 3! Duelist Packs are back, and that means an all-new way to Duel for Jaden fans.

Today’s Deck uses four Evil Hero Fusions: two from the new Duelist Pack and two from Gladiator’s Assault. It also has “Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy,” which is a wicked combo with “Evil Hero Malicious Edge.” You’ll find “Evil Hero Malicious Edge,” “Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy,” and “Evil Hero Infernal Gainer” in the new Jaden Pack too.

The strategy behind this Deck is to devastate your opponent with the biggest, baddest Evil Heroes you have! “Evil Hero Malicious Edge” and “Evil Hero Inferno Wing” can pierce through defending monsters for big damage. When you really want to lay on the hurt, they’re your best options. “Evil Hero Lightning Golem” can destroy your opponent’s monsters, and “Evil Hero Wild Cyclone” blows away Spell and Trap Cards. When you don’t want to attack, you can still deal damage with “Evil Hero Infernal Sniper.”

This Deck uses only one copy of “Dark Fusion,” but it runs three copies of “Dark Calling,” a new Fusion Spell from Duelist Pack—Jaden Yuki 3. Remember “Miracle Fusion”? That was Jaden’s Spell Card that let him fuse Elemental Hero monsters by removing Materials from his Graveyard and his field, making it way easier to get out his heavy hitters. Well, “Dark Calling” is the same type of card, but it works with Evil Hero Fusions instead of Elemental Heroes. This Deck is all about getting your basic Elemental Heroes into the Graveyard. Once you do, “Dark Calling” lets you Summon the Evil Hero you need. Check out the Deck list!

Answer the Dark Call—40 Cards

Monsters: 22
2 Evil Hero Malicious Edge
2 Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy
1 Evil Hero Infernal Gainer
1 Elemental Hero Stratos
2 Elemental Hero Avian
2 Elemental Hero Wildheart
1 Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
2 Elemental Hero Clayman
3 The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion
2 Magical Merchant
1 Card Trooper
1 Snipe Hunter
1 Sangan
1 Morphing Jar

Spells: 13
1 Dark Fusion
3 Dark Calling
1 Heavy Storm
3 Shrink
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Premature Burial
1 Swords of Revealing Light
1 Lightning Vortex

Traps: 5
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
2 Bottomless Trap Hole

Fusion Monsters: 8
2 Evil Hero Wild Cyclone
2 Evil Hero Infernal Sniper
2 Evil Hero Inferno Wing
2 Evil Hero Lightning Golem

Looks pretty sweet, doesn’t it? Some of your monsters won’t be as big as your opponent’s, so cards like Shrink and Bottomless Trap Hole will give you the edge. Make sure to pick the right Evil Hero at the right time—whatever your opponent’s doing, you’ve got an Evil Hero to contend with them. Don’t be afraid to wait for the perfect opening, and don’t feel like you have to bring out a Fusion at the first opportunity. When you do fuse for a big Evil Hero, you want to keep it on the field for at least a couple turns.

The Biggest Heroes and the Biggest Plays!

Just like all of Jaden’s Decks, this one is full of sweet combos. Once you master them, you’ll be Summoning awesome monsters in every Duel you play, so let’s take a look at the big plays you can use to dominate your Duels.

“Evil Hero Malicious Edge” and “Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy”

Malicious Edge is cool for two reasons: he’s got really high ATK points, and you can summon him with just one Tribute if your opponent has a monster out. That’s good news because the new “Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy” is a free Tribute for Evil Heroes! As long as you don’t have a monster on the field, you can Special Summon Infernal Prodigy. Tribute it for Malicious Edge, and Infernal Prodigy’s effect will let you draw a card in the End Phase. Even though you Tributed a monster, you have a card to replace it. That makes it easier to get to important stuff like “Dark Calling”—it really speeds up your Deck.

“Card Trooper” and “Dark Calling”

Speaking of speed: the faster you can get Elemental Heroes into your Graveyard, the faster you’ll be Summoning Evil Hero Fusions. There are a lot of cards in this Deck that can help you do that, but “Card Trooper” is the best. Each turn, it lets you send three cards from the top of your Deck to the Graveyard, and if it’s destroyed, you get to draw a card, sort of like Infernal Prodigy.

“Morphing Jar” and “Magical Merchant” are two more monsters that can get Elemental Heroes into the Graveyard while helping you get to “Dark Calling.” You can even discard Elemental Heroes for “Lightning Vortex” or “Snipe Hunter’s” effect to set up big plays!

“The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion”

You might have noticed that there are only two copies of each basic Elemental Hero in this Deck, and only one copy of Burstinatrix. That’s because “The Earth - Hex-Sealed Fusion” can replace any Elemental Hero listed as a Fusion material on an Evil Hero Fusion monster! You can’t use The Earth’s Special Summon effect to fuse Heroes, but you can use it as any Elemental Hero when you play “Dark Calling” or “Dark Fusion.” That really gives you a lot of choices.

If you’ve been looking to build an Evil Hero Deck, give this one a try! It’s really fast, and because it has a lot of different Fusion monsters, you’ll always keep your opponent guessing which monster’s coming next. Get ready, because Duelist Pack—Jaden Yuki 3 has some of Jaden’s toughest monsters ever!
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